Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Clare Mackintosh, author, on the Young Writers competition: "It's a loosely veiled scam, and I am furious about it."

Clare Mackintosh, number one Sunday Times bestselling author, had this to say about the Young Writers competition on Twitter in 2019:

Dear schools, if a 'creative writing competition' offers publication to all entries meeting the criteria, and strong-arms parents into signing away world rights and sending £15.99 for a copy of the anthology, it is not a competition, it is vanity publishing.

My daughter is over the moon. She thinks she's really special. She thinks she's a published author 'just like you, Mummy!' If I don't buy this book I will break her heart, and that is precisely how this company makes money. 

Read the comments thread here: https://twitter.com/claremackint0sh/status/1091363481926987776 

1 comment:

  1. I can see no pressure to buy these books. My son has received a letter to say his short story will be published and that's great for him, his self esteem and has given him encouragement to write more... Though not for any prize. I tbink that's worthwhile. Of course their are administrative and publishing costs to be coveted so tbe books aren't going to be given out for free. The letter also states that ordering books is not a condition of publication and that books will also available from book shops using the ISBN #.
    I don't think my son cares about us buying lots of copies he is just thrilled to have something positive happen to acknowledge his efforts.
